The whole crux to this multiple-horned dilemma of the Man of God is the problem of leadership, the lack of it, the acceptance of it, and rejection of it.
What is a Pastor?
What are his duties?
Does he lead or follow?
Is he a shepherd or a flunky?
Is he called of God or chosen of men?
Is he a hired man or a chosen vessel?
Does he receive his orders from a board or where are
his headquarters for receiving his working orders?
Is he supposed to preach to please you or to exhort you
with the whole council of God?
Possibly you have wondered about such questions. It's time the church was getting the answer to some of them. The Bible is the sole, irrefutable, authoritative source of spiritual information. This promise is true whether we be considering the eternal verities of redemption, the daily walk of the Christian, or the polity of a local church. Therefore, let God speak and be true.
28 page booklet
ISBN 9780866452434